Bioheat® is safe and provides a cleaner, more complete and energy efficient burn. It is a renewable energy source that reduces global warming gas emissions; it is also non-toxic, biodegradable, and suitable for sensitive environments. It actually extends equipment life and reduces periodic maintenance intervals. Bioheat® is made domestically from agricultural or recycled resources, reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil and creating jobs here at home.
Environmentally Friendly:
With a positive energy balance of 5.54:1.
Promotes better air quality:
By lowering toxic emissions vs. petroleum diesel.
Decreases our country’s dependence on foreign oil:
Creates jobs and is good for the U.S. economy.
Healthy and Safe:
Passed EPA’s tier 1 and 2 Health effects testing with flying colors.
Virtually sulfur free:
Contains no nitrogen or offensive aromatics.
Reduces nitrous oxide in boilers and home heating equipment and is Highly Efficient:
Biodiesel has higher cetane level, for more efficient ignition
Highest BTU content for any alternative fuel Containing 11% oxygen by weight:
Which helps the fuel to burn cleanly and completely.
High lubricity (<300 HFRR):
Enhances and extends equipment life, and reduces HC, PM, CO in existing diesel engines.
Biodiesel and Bioheat® creates thousands of U.S. jobs throughout the entire production and distribution chain. According to a recent economic study, this year’s rejuvenated Biodiesel production will support more than 31,000 U.S. jobs and generate income of nearly $1.7 billion to be circulated throughout the economy. It also is expected to generate an estimated $345 million in federal tax revenue and $283 million in state and local tax revenues.
Source: National Biodiesel Board Future Projections